Welcome to my personal blog! My name is Elisa and I am a Conservation Scientist | Data Diplomat | Developer of Virtual Labs based in Brisbane, Australia

I’m posting reflections and curious things that I encounter on the way of my journey in this beautiful world while making first clumsy steps using GitHub Pages! You will see me posting about Biodiversity data, Conservation science, Coral reefs, Digital innovation platforms, Marine restoration, Scientific diving, Threatened species, Virtual laboratories but also things that not many scientists talk about publicly like ecological grief, overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome. A favourite topic is about what Imrovised Threatre teaches us to embrace failure and bring more play, joy and sillyness into our lives.

Elisa casual

Photo credit: Liam Moushall

Some cool resources if you want to geek out on GitHub Pages:

Chad Baldwin’s blog template and how to guide

Adam Pritchard’s Cheatsheet for the GitHub Markdown

Barry Clark’s intro to building blogs with Jekyll and GitHub Pages


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